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Our vision
To be a clear and representative voice for the United Kingdom image licensing industry.

BAPLA represents image licensors. Founded in 1975, BAPLA is the UK trade association for picture libraries and agencies, now incorporating a broad and diverse membership.

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BAPLA members range from the biggest names in the business to smaller, specialist collections. Between them they offer an enormous range of high quality pictures across all subjects, together with price structures and licence types to service all requirements.

The Image Suppliers section of the website is designed to help you find the image supplier - and therefore the images - you need.

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We are hosting a series of seven interactive copyright webinars by Anna Skurczynska, Founder Director of Open Plan Law. Book now for the remaining sessions in the series.

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Microsoft Audience Network provides free access to Shutterstock

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FOCAL 2023

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Egypt, Nile Valley, Luxor, Thebes, Temples of Karnak, Nile, Temple guardian walking through the columns of the Great Hypostyle Hall, Temple of Karnak, Luxor

New at 4Corners Images: ancient Egypt by Richard Taylor


Nature Picture Library Footage Focus: Fred Olivier

Large tortoiseshell, Nymphalis polychloros 1, small tortoiseshell, Aglais urticae 2, and comma butterfly, Polygonia c-album 3, with poppy. Vanesse grande tortue, Vanesse petite tortue, Vanesse gamma. Handcoloured lithograph from Musee du Naturaliste dedie a la Jeunesse, Histoire des Papillons, Hippolyte and Polydor Pauquet, Paris, 1833.     Date:



British IP Day Celebrates its 5th Year

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Baby girl sitting on lounge chair wearing sunglasses ©Sue Barr / Image Source · Wild grasses ©Elsa Leydier / Millennium Images, UK · British airmen train In Clewiston, Florida, America, Summer 1941 ©IWM TR 90 · Beach huts ©Andreas von Einsiedel · Weymouth by Eve Kirk (1900-69). Watercolour. Weymouth, Dorset, UK, c.1940 ©Victoria and Albert Museum, London · Poppies and fairies, illustration to Shakespeare's 'A Midsummer Night's Dream, by Arthur Rackham ©The Trustees of the ishadow · German wasps (Vespula germanica) ©imageBROKER/Raimund Kutter /